SunStave Circle Lammas Feast

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Daughter of Saturn, venerable dame,
Who dwell'st amidst great fire's eternal flame;
In sacred rites these ministers are thine,
Mystics much-blessed, holy and divine.
In thee, the Gods have fix'd their dwelling place,
Strong, stable basis of the mortal race.
Eternal, much-form'd ever-florid queen,
Laughing and blessed, and of lovely mien;
Accept these rites, accord each just desire,
And gentle health, and needful good inspire.

-Orphic Hymn to Vesta

Partake in the sacred feast at Lammas and give honor to the Goddess Vesta, she who protects hearth and Home. Please bring offerings to Vesta (food or flowers) to place on the altar, and a Main dish to share for the potluck feast. 

Saturday, August 3rd
6 pm

901 W. 230 North, Orem, UT 

Your hostess for this event is Tiffany. 

RSVP on Facebook


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